First Aid Hints

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First Aid Hints

Disclaimer: The following hints are not meant to be taken as medical advice, but are only part of the first aid content a student will learn within the structure of a nationally recognised HLTAID011 Provide First Aid course. They are not meant to be taken on their own but within the structure of the Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines for First Aid.

Heart Attack

When Should I perform CPR?

Why do CPR compression rates change all the time?

Near Drowning

Snake Bite

First Aid for bones that are sticking out

Is Shock Dangerous?


Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke

Good CPR Chest Compressions

Keeping it Simple

Can I be sued for performing bad First Aid?

What should I look for when deciding when to commence CPR?

What should I do when someone is crushed?

In which position should I place a casualty?


Hint 1: Heart Attack

Australia’s leading killer. Each year many thousands of Australians suffer a heart attack. 20,000 will tragically end in death. Why do many survive? Simply because they called an ambulance. Sadly, many choose to ignore the serious nature of the pain and don’t call for help. Some cannot call for help. Others survive because they were fortunate enough to have a First Aider neaby who performed CPR.

Recognising a heart attack:

Heart attack doesn’t always present itself as a crushing pain in the chest. It may be, but it may also be no more than an uncomfortable fullness in the chest, or pain shooting down the arm or perhaps along the jaw line. Australian Resuscitation Council guidelines suggest that ANY pain in the chest lasting longer than ten minutes is likely to be a heart attack. Accompanying symptoms may include pale, cool, clammy skin; nausea; blue lips.

What to do:

  1. The casualty must stop whatever they are doing and immediately rest in a sitting position.
  2. Call 000 as quickly as possible.
  3. Re-assure casualty and monitor.
  4. Prepare to perform CPR.

Hint 2: When should I perform CPR?

CPR should only be performed on a casualty who is missing two signs of life. When we happen across a casualty we should always follow the DRSABCD protocol.

Check for danger to yourself AND to the casualty.

If safe, check for response.
It is in this process we look for the 2 signs of life which are:

1) Is the person moving and/or responding to your verbal commands or touch?

NOTE: If there is no reaponse, it can be assumed the casualty is unconscious.
We must now call for an ambulance before looking for the 2nd sign of life which is …

2) Is the casualty breathing normally?

To do this, we must first check if the airway is clear. If not clear, we must clear it by placing the casualty on their side and using our fingers to scoop out any blockage. Once airway is clear we can look, listen and feel to gauge casualty’s breathing (is it rhythmic and even? If casualty is gasping, this is not considered to be normal breathing).

So, if the casualty is not moving; does not respond to your command (squeeze my hand) and is not breathing normally, the first aider should commence CPR immediately. Every second counts!

NOTE: A pulse is no longer considered to be a sign of life. This might sound strange but research has shown that a pulse must be effective if blood is to be delivered to the body’s cells correctly. A good analogy is to think of a 6 cylinder car running on only 3 or 4 cylinders. The motor might be running but it is totally ineffective and the car will be slow and somewhat lucky to make its destination. As most people, both trained and untrained, cannot determine what is an effective pulse, it has been taken out of the equation.

Hint number 3: “I am confused! Why do the CPR compression rates change all the time?”

Thankfully, after the latest changes, it appears there will be no more alterations to the current regime of Rescue Breaths and compressions within the foreseeable future.

Only recently has the medical fraternity come to understand the importance of keeping a casualty’s blood pressure well up if we want to increase the chances of recovery after a person's episode of cardiac arrest. Researchers now realise this can only be accomplished by performing a high rate of compressions. In hindsight, it appears that previous rates of 5, 10 or 15 compressions were ineffective in building the casualty's blood pressure high enough. Low blood pressure makes the transfer of oxygen from the arteries to the capillaries and then to the cells extremely difficult. These low rates may well be reason the previous success rate of manual compression CPR was only 4%.

To remove the confusion and to teach a CPR regime with a better probability of a good outcome, most (if not all) First Aid students are now taught a compression/breath ratio of 30 compressions to 2 breaths. This recommended rate is now taught globally. In time, the confusion will no longer be an issue.

Please note that in many instances a First Aider will not manage to resuscitate a casualty. But it must be remembered that the value of performing competent compressions is in supplying the casualty’s body with oxygenated blood which will keep the cells alive until an ambulance arrives with a defibrillator. (defibrillators have a recovery success rate of 75%).

Hint number 4. Near Drowning.

It may come as a surprise to you but there are 2 levels of drowning: Drowning and Near Drowning.

Near Drowning means exactly that: death did not occur immediately after the event but as a result of the incident and some time later. Try to recall a time when you have swallowed a little bit of spit into your lungs. Typically your body responded by triggering a vigorous coughing fit until the offending spit was removed from your airway. Your lungs hate uninvited liquid and will do everything they can to prevent its entry. If a person is swimming and water enters their throat but the body fails to expel it, its next defence is to shut the throat down so no more liquid can enter. Everything up to this stage is called a Near Drowning.

If the person is not retrieved from the water then death may occur occur as the episode progresses to drowning. The problem for a person suffering from a near drowning is that water has entered their lungs. The casualty may appear to have survived the experience but their lungs have now become a fertile breeding ground for whatever bacteria and viruses were living in the water.

60 people die from near drowning in Queensland each year due to infected lungs. The person MUST go to hospital even if they appear to have fully recovered from the experience.

Hint number 5: Snake Bite

We have an abundance of venomous snakes in Queensland. Their bite may appear as one or two puncture marks, numerous puncture marks, or scratches across the skin. However they appear, most casualties know they have been bitten because the majority of bites happen as a result of someone standing on, or very near, a snake.

First Aid for snake bite

Snake venom typically enters the casualty’s lymphatic system first. The lymph will carry the venom to the cardiovascular system and that’s when the problems start. If we can prevent the venom from reaching the bloodstream we can buy time for the paramedics to arrive and take the casualty to hospital where anti-venom can be administered.

The Pressure Immobilisation Technique (PIT Bandage)

Have the casualty remain as still as possible - any muscular movement on their part will help push the venom to its target area. Place a firm bandage directly over the bite site to help contain the venom.

Run a second bandage from the casualty’s toes and up the leg as far as possible to further contain the lymph. This bandage must be tight but not so tight that it completely cuts off all blood flow. To check for continued blood flow, squeeze the casualty’s toe and make certain blood returns (albeit slowed). Do not run the bandage from the top of the leg down to the toe.

Tie the legs together to further restrict movement of the casualty.

Most importantly, re-assure the casualty and keep them still.


Do not try to suck venom out - you will become envenomated!

Do not apply a tourniquet - applying a tourniquet will possibly kill the casualty's limb.

Do not cut the bite site - this will increase bring blood into the area into which the venom will slip into and thus allowing the venom to be quickly carried to its target system.

Do not wash the bite site - the hospital will want samples to determine which antivenom to use.

Hint number 6: What is the First Aid for bones that are sticking out and bleeding?

If one or two bones are protruding through a wound in the lower arm or leg and it's bleeding, our first priority is to stop the bleed. Bandaging over a broken bone can cause extreme pain as well as tissue and nerve damage, so we must place the bandage above the injury. The bandage will need to be firm enough to stop the bleed but not so firm that it cuts off circulation completely. Circulation return can be tested by gently squeezing the tip of the casualty’s finger or toe (depending where the injury is) to push the blood out of the small vessels. When you release your finger the blood must return (this is called capillary return). If it doesn’t, or does so but very slowly, the bandage is too tight and should be re-applied.

Once the bleed is under control, the next step is to protect the exposed bones and tissues from infection. Applying donut bandages and splints can cause terrible pain so I suggest that once the casualty has found a comfortable position to sit or lie in, then all we do is gently drop a clean triangular bandage or similar bandage over the wound. This will help to control infection and will also prevent the casualty from seeing their own bones.

First Aiders should never get too ‘tricky’ with First Aid. Simple is good. Once we have taken care of any life-threatening conditions, it is best to simply ask the casualty not to move (not always possible), call an ambulance and provide comforting re-assurance.

Hint number 7: Is shock dangerous??

Shock can be extremely dangerous and in serious cases has been the cause of many fatalities. Defined as a lack of blood perfusion into tissue, shock will lead to the deprivation of oxygen on a cellular level and at the end of the day, without oxygen, the body’s cells will die. Causes are numerous and include: Severe bleeding, diarrhoea, vomiting, severe sweating and dehydration, severe burns, heart disorders, head trauma.

Recognising shock: The brain goes into survival mode to protect itself, the heart and lungs. It will therefore redirect blood supply away from the skin and digestive system and hoard it for itself. This is a stop-gap measure and may only serve to buy some time. Without blood coursing through the skin, a casualty’s face will appear pale and cool. The skin will be clammy and the casualty might be anxious, vague, confused. As blood is primarily created from water, the casualty may feel very thirsty but they cannot be given a drink as, in severe cases, this could induce vomiting.


  1. Control any bleeding
  2. Call the ambulance on 000 (or 112 on mobiles).
  3. Lay the casualty down.
  4. Keep them warm and re-assure.

Hint number 8: Stroke

60,000 Australians suffer from a stroke each year. It is the second highest cause of death in Australia behind heart attack. The risk increases for everyone over the age of 50. A stroke occurs when the blood supply to the brain’s cells is cut off because an artery is either blocked or bleeding. The cells depending on the blood supply from the affected artery will not receive the oxygen they require and will begin to die. To what extent a casualty is affected will depend largely on what area of the brain the artery was feeding blood to. Strokes can occur at any time and often the casualty is, at first, unaware of what is happening to them.

Recognising a stroke:

Because a stroke only affects one side of the body, a simple test is to ask the casualty to:

1) Smile for you.

2) Raise both arms

3) Speak to me

The acronym used is FAST … Facial (smile) Arms (raise both arms) Speech (talk to me) and T stands for Time, meaning there is no time to waste.

If the casualty can only smile or talk from one side of their mouth, or can only raise one arm, it is likely they have suffered a stroke. It is vital to get an ambulance as quickly as possible.

Stroke is a frightening disease as the casualty is suffering a life-changing event and may die or be physically impaired for the rest of their life. As you are waiting for the ambulance, lay the casualty on their back with a pillow under the head and give them plenty of reassurance as they will be scared. If they go unconscious, place them in the stable recovery position and follow the DRSABCD.

Hint number 9: Heat exhaustion and Heat stroke

The days are hotting up and it’s time to remember the dangers of spending too much time in the sun without replenishing our bodies with water. Heat Exhaustion is easily managed but if we allow ourselves to become too dehydrated we run the risk of tripping over into Heat Stroke and this is extremely dangerous.

Recognising Heat Exhaustion:

· Headache
· Nausea
· Seizures
· Tiredness and fatigue
· Dizziness

What to do:

· Move to a shaded area
· Loosen clothes
· Lay the casualty down with legs raised (shock position)
· Give small sips of cool water (not cold)
· Fan.

Recognising Heat Stroke:

This is a life-threatening condition. The casualty suffers the same symptoms as heat exhaustion but now the body is in overdrive to lower its core temperature. Systems are failing because the cooling system has become inoperative. The casualty’s pulse is full and bounding because the heart is redirecting blood to the skin in a last ditch attempt to throw heat off. The casualty’s skin is dry as most of the body’s available moisture has evaporated and is no longer available for sweating.

What to do:

· Act quickly and call an ambulance
· Move to a shaded area
· Loosen clothes
· Lay the casualty down with legs raised (shock positon)
· Cool the casualty down by fanning and place a wet towel over them.

Hint number 10: Good CPR chest compressions.

It has come to light that most attempts to perform CPR fail because the rescuer’s compressions are too shallow. If compressions aren’t deep enough then all efforts to save a person’s life may well be futile. The depth of compression is 1/3 of the casualty’s chest and no less. It’s this mighty effort that’s required to mimic the enormous workload of a healthy heart. Remember that a person can live with broken ribs or pierced lung but they can’t live without oxygen. Never let the fear of breaking a rib cause you to pull back on your efforts. Unless a miracle kicks in, performing 2 hours of ineffective compressions will not save anyone.

Earlier this year an American, who’d been working out at a gym, went into cardiac arrest. 20 people in the gym responded to the emergency, each performing good CPR for 2 minutes then resting for 40 minutes before compressing again. The paramedics arrived and shocked the casualty 11 times. 90 minutes after the casualty’s collapse he regained consciousness. Due to the great efforts of those involved he showed no signs of brain damage. It’s very unlikely that we’ll have 20 healthy, fit and willing bystanders available to help in such an emergency, but this example shows how long a person’s brain cells can be kept alive when good, deep compressions are applied.

If you are small and the casualty is big, then we do what we always do in First Aid ... the best we can.

Things to remember:

· Follow the DRSABCD.
· Always start with 30 compressions followed by two breaths (don’t over-inflate the lungs)
· Compress 1/3 the depth of the casualty’s chest
· The pace is fast … approximately 100 compressions per minute
· Don’t think you’re failing because your casualty isn’t responding. Your primary role is to keep the casualty's cells supplied with oxygen.

First Aid reminder number 11: Keeping it simple.

In just about any situation when you skills as a First Aid are called upon, if you stick to 5 basic steps then you will have done the best First Aid any casualty could hope for. And the good news is … it’s simple.

  1. Stop any bleeding
  2. Call 000
  3. Re-assure the casualty
  4. Make them comfortable
  5. Monitor the casualty

If all you ever do is the above 5 points, then you've done great First Aid. A casualty will benefit greatly by hearing your words of re-assurance. Tell them your name and ask them theirs. Let them know they are going to be alright and that you’re there to care for them until the ambulance arrives. Remember that the paramedics are not too far away so there’s no real need to be splinting people up. It can cause a lot of unnecessary pain. Use a pillow or something similar to help make the casualty comfortable whilst you wait.

First Aid reminder number 12 ... Can I be sued for doing bad first aid?

This question pops up a lot and there are still a number of people who are so concerned about being sued that it puts them off of providing First Aid to those who need it. There is always a lot of rumour and speculation ‘out there’ and rarely is it true. At the end of the day the proof is in the pudding. How many people have you read about or watched on tele who have been sued for doing lousy First Aid? I can give you the answer … none! And that’s because First Aiders and Paramedics are protected by Division 7 of the Queensland Civil Liabilites Act. It states:

26 Protection of persons performing duties for entities to enhance public safety

(1) Civil liability does not attach to a person in relation to an act done or omitted in the course of rendering first aid or other aid or assistance to a person in distress if

(a) the first aid or other aid or assistance is given by the person while performing duties to enhance public safety for an entity prescribed under a regulation that provides services to enhance public safety; and

(b) the first aid or other aid or assistance is given in circumstances of emergency; and

(c) the act is done or omitted in good faith and without reckless disregard for the safety of the person in distress or someone else. 

In short, you can’t be held liable no matter how bad your first aid is, provided you keep to what you've been trainind to do and no more. So, if you see someone who needs help, jump in and do what you can.

First Aid reminder number 13: What should I look for when deciding to commence CPR?

We all know what happens when a chook's head is cut off … the body runs around for a while before collapsing. This is because the body isn’t dead until the supply of stored oxygen within the cells has been exhausted. Likewise, if a human suffers cardiac arrest, they can still move whilst in a state of unconsciousness (though not quite as erratic as a chook). And so, spasmodic movement is not a reliable sign of life. So what signs should we be looking for?

An unconscious casualty who moves spasmodically and has a pulse may be in cardiac arrest. The only reliable indicator of life is breathing, which we determine by looking for the continuous rising and falling of the chest or tummy, or by listening for breathing and feeling for movement by placing our hands on the abdomen. By breathing I mean the easy, rhythmic and effective breathing such as you are doing right now. Gasps and snorting are not considered to be effective breathing and are not reliable signs of life.

Remember, skin is king … if the casualty’s skin is warm and pink and blood quickly returns to any spot that we squeeze, this is a sign that the heart is probably working well.

What if I’m wrong and I commence compressions? Can I hurt the casualty?

The survival of a casualty in cardiac arrest is, to a large degree, dependent on how quickly we commence CPR. If in doubt, the Australian Resuscitation Council recommends we immediately commence chest compressions and breaths (30 to 2). If we perform CPR on a casualty who doesn’t need it chances are they won’t be hurt. If we don’t do it then the outcome may not be good.

When in doubt … do it!

First Aid reminder number 14: What do I do when someone is crushed?

When any part of the body is crushed under significant weight the recommendation is to remove the object as soon as possible if it’s safe for you to do so (you don’t want the weight falling on top of you). Tissue damage pulls multiple adverse effects into play and they're all bad. Firstly, a crushing object will cut the oxygen supply off from the limb below it and this will cause the cells to die and release toxins which can shut the heart down. Secondly, the tissue damaged by the crushing force will release a different set of toxins that may send the casualty's kidneys into failure. Thirdly, if the casualty has suffered significant blood loss below the crushing weight then releasing the weight can cause a sudden and fatal drop in blood pressure.

If you didn’t witness the incident, or at least attended the incident within 15 minutes, it’s probably best that you do nothing other than ring 000 and comfort the casualty. Whenever you’re not certain of what to do always take the safe road and ring 000. If you do decide to remove the weight, have bandages ready in case the casualty suffers severe bleeding.

NOTE: Damage to nerves can interfere with the casualty’s pain sensation. They may feel no pain but the absence of pain is NOT an indication of the absence of injury. Crush injury can be very serious. Typically, it takes more than just a hand or foot to be crushed for these complications to manifest.

First Aid reminder number 15: In which position should I place a casualty?

Remember that good First Aid is simple First Aid. In most instances, all you need to do is call 000 and re-assure the casualty. If you can also place a person in the correct position for their injury then it only gets better from there.

Breathing difficulties such as Asthma or Anaphylaxis: Sitting upright and leaning forward with arms raised.

Heart issues … pains in the chest: Sitting in a reclining position.

Unconscious and breathing: Left Recovery position. Place on right hand side if damage has been sustained to the right side of chest or head (damaged side down). REMEMBER, unconscious casualties with suspected spinal injuries must still be placed into the Recovery Position.

Stroke: Lying down, face up, with head slightly raised.

Abdominal injuries: Lying down with knees raised. If any organs are exposed, place on abdomen but don’t try to place them back into body cavity. Cover with wet cloth, preferably one that won’t stick.

Shock: Lying down, face up.

Head injuries: Lying down, face up.


First Aid reminder number 17: When in doubt, call them out (000)

I hear many stories of people who, instead of calling 000 during a medical emergency, have called family members or friends and, after explaining what has happened, have asked for advice. The resulting waste of time has, in many situations, made matters worse and, in some cases, caused death. We need to remind ourselves that, in instances of a medical emergency, we may not have the luxury of time on our side. The most important call we can make is to the paramedics, especially in cases of Asthma; Anaphylaxis; blood loss; stroke and heart attack (angina). These conditions need immediate expert medical intervention. A call to a friend for advice will cause a significant delay in treatment by paramedics and this delay may have fatal consequences.

Two things to remember:
Our First Aid training is minimal and so, in the case of an emergency, we need the intervention of paramedics as quickly as possible.

The domino effect: When an incident occurs the dominoes start to topple over. Our job as First Aiders is to put our hand in front of the falling dominoes and stop more from falling over. The problem is that, if we wait too long, we may not be able to get our hand in and so there’s nothing that will stop all the dominoes from falling.

So remember - when in doubt, call them out (000) 



Nic Jayne

Hi Gary, I really enjoyed your course last week. By far the best first aid training I have ever done. Loved that you used real life examples - no one has ever done that in the other first aid courses I have previously attended and therefore when I was faced with a real cardiac arrest I really wasn't prepared  for what would happen. Whereas if I had been taught by you I would have know what to expect a bit more. Keep up with the jokes and I will be recommending you to everyone! Also - you should add 'reviews' to your facebook page so people can give you 5 stars (don't ask me how)!

Darren Smith

Hello everybody.

I recently did the first aid course including CPR on the 18/11/13 and highly recommend everybody to do it especially this one with Gary. I have done a few now with different trainers and Gary is by far the best.

Paul Chiffer

Hi, Gary. I've attended many courses over the years with Red Cross, First Response, Queensland Ambulance Service and St John First Aid, and your course has been the most useful, informative and enjoyable of them all. Thank you. 

Terry Bigeni

I attended your First Aid Refresher on 13/06/14, and must admit it was a fun session, yet very educational. I love the way you keep things simple - so that we are not overwhelmed by it all, but we are able to remember all the important stuff. And ..... don't worry about your bad jokes - they lighten the atmosphere!

Doretta Meyer, Tablelands Regional Council

Thank you very much for the brilliant training over the last couple of days. You made the first aid training fun with your outgoing personality. With your witty humour you managed to get people to listen and kept every bodies interest going over the entire 2 day period. I have been telling my work colleagues how much I have been enjoying your course and will keep on recommending you to everybody who wants to know.

Dan Aylott

Hi Gary just a quick note to say thank you for the First Aid course you held Saturday of last weekend. By far it was the best and most interesting First Aid course I have ever been on, and I have done my certificate 3 or 4 times. The knowledge passed on and the reasons behind it were invaluable. I now feel so much more confident than I have in the past. So once again Thank You. 

Tim Reilly

We had a bloke have a heart attack at work. He was sitting on the duck board and keeled over, I was given a real easy time by the investigators because i did everyhting by the book, and i was able to explain what every one was supposed to do and why. In the refresher i did with you in august or september you explained everything very well and in detail that i have never herd before, so THANKS.

Leah Thorne

Hi Gary, I'm glad I chose Cairns First Aid for CPR training. It was the best First Aid training I've received. Information about the body's systems help me understand the why's and how's of what we do as first aiders. Great presentation Gary


 Just thought I would let you know that the wealth of knowledge I absorbed from your class paid off today as I put some of those skills to use. A lady fell backwards hitting her head on the tarmac whilst climbing into her car. Ambulance was called, I provided first aid assistance to make sure she was ok till the ambulance arrived and all was ok. Feels good helping people and couldnt understand how 7 or 8 people walked by like nothing was happening. Keep up the good work.


Hey Gary, I just wanted to extend my most sincere gratitude for all the energy you put into the Apply First aid course. You are a most dynamic and engaging teacher and I really enjoyed learning from you. Thank you for sharing your wisdom in such an accessible manner. It is a truly honourable service.


Hi Gary, Thanks for the wonderful course, it was both interesting and fun and you are a very good instructor! I feel much better knowing I could actually help (or know what to do) in a situation now! Thanks again.

Amy (+ Kylie)

Hi Gary. I just wanted to say on behalf of myself and kylie, Thank you very much for a very informative and enjoyable day, We both came away feeling confident and refreshed and look forward to courses with yourself in the future. Thanks.

Norma Dillon

Hi Gary, I would just like to say thank you for the last 2 days You are fantastic at your job.. I'm so glad I chose your company for my training.. Thanks again.

Melanie Boon

Last month I saved a man's life thanks to your wonderful training! He was bitten by a brown snake across the road from my work - I kept calm and so did he as I did the compression bandage. The ambulance arrived quickly and he was transported to mossman hospital. His heart stopped twice and he was given lots of anti venom he recovered fully and thanked me for saving his life. Now I'm thanking you you are professional and thorough in your training and it has helped me to help others.

Graham (Buzzy) Burridge Branch Manager PCYC

Thanks Gary, feedback I have had from the staff all agrees, your presentation and style was enjoyed immensely. John commented that he has done numerous 1st aid courses and yours was by the far the best, most practically informative and enjoyable. Just thought you’d like the feedback! Cheers, Buzzy.


thanks for the course yesterday, as I said on my form, it was the best first aid course I have done in my 12 years or so of doing them. Understanding the why of things certainly makes a difference to my learning and I retain things a lot better if I understand that! Many thanks for taking the time to explain things.

Will Stribbling

I just wanted to thank you again for the excellent course you provided. I got a lot out of it and you were a very good teacher. I feel very confident in my First Aid abilities now and if I do need to use my new skills I will do so without hesitation. Thanks very much.

Chris Cunningham, RFDS Queensland Section

Thanks Gary, I did enjoy your training and it was honestly the best first aid course I have been to in over 15 years of doing regular updates. Thanks champ… Chris


Hi Gary,I would like to thank you for today's training, it was relaxed, informative and removed alot of the useless information and replaced it with real world knowledge providing a good learning environment.

Tony Sutton (Anthony)

I would like to thank you so much for your time and knowledge. It was fantastic to attend a course run by such a knowledgeable trainer who is extremely passionate for the subject and his students, ensuring every student fully comprehends the subject matter and passes for certification.

Shawn Brack

Thanks for the fantastic training session Gary. I have done a lot of first aid courses with a lot of different organisations and I have to say that your 'real life' approach is the best I have seen. It was nice to be educated on what to expect in the real world and not just what you read in a text book. Great job mate!!!

Virginia Carr, Mareeba District Flexi Support Association

Gary’s natural ability to deliver the important content in a very digestible way that the average person understands was outstanding! Gary also makes the session interesting with his knowledge and first hand experience in First aid, which kept the group engaged. For myself personally, Gary’s training delivery skills have raised the bar of what I expect from first Aid trainers!

Daina Brampton

By far the best & most useful 1st Aid Course I have done. Great trainer. The penny drops & she finally understands! Thank you.

Kidschoice Bayview

Fantastic training. Would definitely use this company again for myself and my team. Gary made sure we all understood every part of the course before moving on. Thank-you Gary and see you again in a year for CPR!

Peta Randle, Prescare

Thank you. I honestly learnt more from this course than other trainings I've done. You explained it all we'll and simple as well as entertaining.

Rachael Hall

Hi Gary. I just have to say, that out of all the first aid’s trainings I have sat through yours is actually the only one I have learnt something useful from. Now after attending your course, I don’t feel overwhelmed by it all. I found myself telling my mum about what I had learnt on Saturday and recommended that she go do your course...


Hi Gary

I have had several of the inspectors comment to me how much they enjoyed the training yesterday. Comments such as... “Gary is so down to earth” “Gary has a sense of humour” “It was the best first aid training we have had” And the best one ... “Kell, you are onto a winner here with Gary”. So thankyou Gary.  Normally when they return from first aid training each year they whinge about the training  saying how boring it all was. You have made my life easier by making them all happy. THANKYOU!

Graham Sievewright

Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2016 9:59 AM
To: Gary
Subject: Re: First Aid training follow up for the 17th of Oct, 2016
Hi Gary

just to say I found the day training with you was very easy to follow and to understand.

From me sending the first email enquiry to you sending the certificate, I commend the speed, efficiently , and thought that you were very organized and accommodating. 
I will certainly contact you when the renewals are due.
Thanks Gary


G’day Gary, I just wanted to let you know that my boys and I really got a lot out of your course last Thursday. It was informative, relevant, confidence inspiring and you delivered it with passion, enthusiasm and good humour.  Rory and Nathan both commented that it was the best first aid course they had attended.  Thanks very much and I’ll be recommending you to fellow industry business owners. Cheers, JOE Brookes


Thanks so much for a fantastic class! You were interesting and the way you delivered everything was great! You made it interesting and I wanted to listen. That's what makes a great teacher... so thank you! 

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